On The Hard Days

Ep.180 Mama Monday: Mom Christie Dilks on Learning How to Advocate, Not Just For Your Neurodivergent Child, But For Their Siblings & Yourself

Season 1 Episode 180
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00:00 | 49:26

"It's not what they want, it's what they need. And that's what it's about at the end of the day."

*Click the link to sign up for my free webinar "Struggling to Raise a Neurodivergent Kid?  The #1 Way to Put Yourself First When You Feel Like You're Last", happening live on Zoom on Friday, April 21st at 8pm EST! Can't wait to see you!

About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Christie. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will too! Here are just some of the topics we discussed:

-How hard it is to meet the need of your other children
-Educating your children about your ND kid and teaching them how to advocate for themselves
-How to push back feelings of shame
-When she realized she needed to ask the hard questions
-The stress of trying new medications
-When you and your child's doctor don't agree - and what you can do about it

Please shower Christie with love and support by SHARING this episode with a mom who needs to hear her story. You can email Christie at: christiedilks@gmail.com

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